
Behavioural Science and
Evidence-Based Consulting

We use the science of human behaviour to help companies build people-centric workplaces.


Our expertise resides at the intersection of organisational psychology, behavioural science, learning experience design, and modern psychometrics
What we really do is:
  • Design and validate modern psychometric tests to gain reliable insights into how people think, feel, and behave.
  • Use evidence-based tools and methodologies to assess, understand, and optimize human behavior in the workplace.
  • Explore the psychological sides of professional life to help people work with purpose, feel accomplished, and perform better.
  • Create engaging and effective learning programmes to help employees acquire, develop, and apply new skills.


Design and validate your psychometric
Create your own assessments to understand how people think, feel, and behave. Measure personality, skills, cognitive ability, and emotional intelligence.
Receive feedback reports with behavioural interpretations, development insights, career and coaching suggestions, all generated by data-driven algorithms.


Discover more about yourself with our scientific tools
Validated by I/O psychologists, our instruments provide reliable reports on behaviour patterns and areas for self-reflection. Complete any of our empirically supported tests, then meet with us for a one-on-one analysis of the findings to learn how you can use these insights in your personal and professional lives.


Discover a new path to skill development
Access bite-sized courses created by experts in learning design, behavioural science, and organisational psychology. Study at your own pace. Get feedback from significant examinations, download skill-building exercises, and create a practical action plan to apply your new knowledge to your work projects.


Join our coaching sessions to optimise your professional life
We’ll help you understand your psychological profile, overcome self-doubt, set optimal goals, and make adaptive behaviour changes based on rational decisions. Our interventions aim to improve self-confidence, resilience, communication, productivity, and interpersonal work-relationships.